We are proud to announce that our list of Italian references will soon be complemented by a house near Milan: we have only just signed the contract. The classical single-family home will be erected in mid-May to replace an old building. At the moment, the project is still in its planning stage. However, the last details are being worked out, so next week we shall be ready to start construction work in our production facility.

House near Milan
The colourful Kekec kindergarten in Ljubljana built by Riko Hiše has been shortlisted for the World Architecture News (WAN) Award. The WAN Awards enjoy a worldwide reputation and are given each year in London. This year, 846 applications from 51 countries were submitted and evaluated in twelve different categories – of which four interior design categories - by an international jury. The Kekec kindergarten applied in the “Colour” category that has been included for the first time. The evaluation criteria were originality, innovation, natural sustainability and the broader context in which colours are used.
The financier Marco Riccaboni describes his own experience with Riko Haus in the Italian newspaper called Il Cittadino. You are welcome to read the translation of the article or the original in pdf, attached bellow.