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The beginning of the fall was very colourful in HIŠE. 4 countries and 7 prefabricated wooden houses. We are building a house in Italy, near Udine and we are excited to see the rapid progress...
At the end of April we started the construction of the four two storey apartment blocks in Munuch,...
Za investitorja Sava turizem smo podpisali pogodbo za izgradnjo desetih počitniških hiš v Moravskih toplicah. Ta teden smo pričeli z montažo prvih šestih apartmajskih hiš, ki bodo predane do...
V Italijanski pokrajini Friuli Venezia Giulia smo v le nekaj tednih dokončali alpsko hiško za našega...
In collaboration with our partners from the architectural bureau Leonardo Haus GmbH, we are today starting with the assembly of a 180 m2 family house in Vöklabruck,...
A few days ago we began with the assembly of of s single family home built using our wooden frame construction system. The house will have a rendered fasade and a diversified...
We started with the assembly of a wooden massive house in the outskirts of Parma. the customer opted for a Riko house because of our large wall solid wood...