The Riko
Hiše company is included in the Section of Slovene Manufacturers of
Prefabricated Houses, which has operated within the scope of the
Association of Wood and Furniture Industries (Združenje lesne in
pohištvene industrije) at the Slovene Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (GZS) since 1999, with the aim of popularising wooden
prefabricated construction and linking practice with research
institutions and business partners at all those areas of development
which are oriented into the promotion and development of wooden
construction. At the Dom Fair (taking place from 8 -13
March 2011), the Section uniting manufacturers of wooden houses of
above-standard quality will offer a varied programme of eminent plans
which will make the decision on choosing a wooden house easier for
both future owners and commercial investors.If
you would like to know more about the constructionof Riko wooden houses, you are invited to visit us in Ribnica, where
you will be able to see a Riko massive wooden house, as well as its
production. For any questions or inquiries, we are also available to
you at our Ljubljana location.
call 01
837 26 10 or send us an e-mail at info@riko-hise.sito schedule an appointment.

When you visit the DOM Fair, please stop by the SSPMH site
In the vicinity of Litija, we are building a large single family home, in which energy efficiency is further upgraded with an environmentally-friendly pellet-based heating system.
Today, the Jarše Kindergarten held an opening ceremony for its new Kekec addition. Following the Jelka Kindergarten, this is the second wooden Riko kindergarten in Ljubljana.